
  • 正式會員

    Leave Out All The Rest

  • 地球上最浪漫的一首情歌,聽到這個旋律就會莫名想到當初新聞快訊以及那張白西裝帥照。

  • 與海無關 要聽demo版的

  • 張學友 她來聽我的演唱會 , 雖然不到會哭,但那歌聲跟歌詞意境,滿有代入感的

  • 初聞不知曲中意, 再聽已是曲中人…

    Lyrics 歌詞 :

    Everybody loves the things you do
    你的一切 大家都愛
    From the way you talk to the way you move
    不論一言一語 或是一顰一笑
    Everybody here is watching you
    你的一舉一動 都被關注
    'Cuz you feel like home
    在你身邊 總覺安心
    You’re like a dream come true

    But if by chance you’re here alone
    若是偶遇 你隻身孤影
    Can I have a moment before I go
    在離別前 可否陪伴我
    'Cuz I’ve been by myself all night long
    由於今晚 我只剩寂寞
    Hoping you’re someone I used to know
    多期盼有 熟悉的溫柔

    You look like a movie
    你的存在 像電影般
    You sound like a song
    你的聲音 宛如詩歌
    My God
    This reminds me of when we were young
    使我想起 過去的時光
    Let me photograph you in this light
    趁著機會 照張相吧
    In case it is the last time
    哪怕這是 最後一回
    That we might be exactly like we were before we realized
    在逐漸老去之前 做回青春的我們
    We were sad of getting old
    時光逝去 使人憂傷
    It made us restless
    讓人焦急 煩躁不安
    It was just like a movie
    人生如戲 高潮迭起
    It was just like a song
    歲月如歌 總有結局

    I was so scared to face my fears
    你是我心底 最深的恐懼
    'Cuz nobody told me that you’d be here
    再次遇見你 我措手不及
    And I swore you moved overseas
    我很肯定當時 你說要遠渡重洋
    That’s what you said, when you left me
    至少那是當初 你離開我的原因

    You still look like a movie
    你的存在 像電影般
    You still sound like a song
    你的聲音 宛如詩歌
    My God
    This reminds me of when we were young
    使我想起 過去的時光
    Let me photograph you in this light
    趁著機會 照張相吧
    In case it is the last time
    哪怕這是 最後一回
    That we might be exactly like we were before we realized
    在逐漸老去之前 做回青春的我們
    We were sad of getting old
    時光逝去 使人憂傷
    It made us restless
    讓人焦急 煩躁不安
    It was just like a movie
    人生如戲 高潮迭起
    It was just like a song
    歲月如歌 總有結局

    It’s hard to win me back
    再也無法 回到過去
    Everything just takes me back
    就算一切 使我想起
    To when you were there
    To when you were there
    And a part of me keeps holding on
    時常追憶 年少時光
    Just in case it hasn’t gone
    深怕萬一 全都遺忘
    I guess I still care
    Do you still care

    It was just like a movie
    人生如戲 高潮迭起
    It was just like a song
    歲月如歌 總有結局
    My God
    This reminds me of when we were young
    使我想起 過去的時光

    Let me photograph you in this light
    趁著機會 照張相吧
    In case it is the last time
    哪怕這是 最後一回
    That we might be exactly like we were before we realized
    在逐漸老去之前 做回青春的我們
    We were sad of getting old
    時光逝去 使人憂傷
    It made us restless
    讓人焦急 煩躁不安
    I’m so mad I’m getting old it makes me reckless
    歲月無情 令人發狂
    It was just like a movie
    人生如戲 高潮迭起
    It was just like a song
    歲月如歌 總有結局

    When we were young
    青春回憶 牢記心底

  • 正式會員

    完了完了完了 芭比Q了
    真的芭比Q了 真的完蛋了


  • 王傑 - 忘了你忘了我

  • 正式會員

    啪啪啪 - 黃明志

  • hebe 你就不要想起我

  • 中華民國國歌 聽了會想起前輩

  • 當兵起床號 聽了直接哭

  • 聽到我鬧鐘的警報聲

  • 費玉清的晚安 聽到都睡的特別香 還會留眼油

  • 曾沛慈 - 淚了 最近一直聽

  • 阿嬤的話…真的很想我阿嬤

  • 乾杯 懷念那些跟夥伴們一起打拼的時候

  • 分手後 一直循環聽 六哲-畢竟深愛過

  • 周杰倫 哥的胸肌給妳靠那首

  • 榮譽會員

    茄子蛋 閣愛你一遍

  • 中島美嘉 - 僕が死のうと思ったのは

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