AleXa (알렉사) - 'Wonderland'

  • 開國功臣

    About AleXa:
    The daughter of a Korean adoptee, AleXa was born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma. A lifelong dancer, AleXa competed in “Rising Legends,” where nearly 1 million fan votes determined her the winner. Shortly after being signed to ZB Label, she beat out thousands of contestant hopefuls and was one of the 96 chosen to participate in Mnet’s “PRODUCE 48,” the most competitive audition show in Korea. AleXa exploded onto the scene with her multilingual debut, “Bomb," in October of 2019, breaking into the Top 10 of Billboard’s “World Digital Song Sales Chart” within its first week of release. In 2020, AleXa inked a deal with ICM Partners, home to an all-star roster of award-winning artists including Nicki Minaj and Khalid, to set a global debut in motion.

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