PSY - 'That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS)' MV
PSY - ‘That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS)’ MV
MV Executive Producer: P NATION
MV Director: 최용석 @LUMPENS
Composed by: SUGA, PSY, EL CAPITXN
Lyrics by: PSY, SUGA
Arranged by: SUGA, EL CAPITXN
Mixed by Tony Maserati
Mastered by Chris Gehringer @Sterling Sound- ‘That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS)’ is now available on all streaming platforms including Apple Music & Spotify.
SUGA: 「本以為只要幫PSY寫歌就好」結果還Rap、跳舞、宣傳、甚至在MV中演戲變身男郎
感覺風格都一樣 不錯看
我大 塞 大叔,真的很厲害欸,很好聽
Psy 真的很會挑伴舞 這腿 這顏質 真的 …阿斯
感覺又要一陣風潮了 哈哈哈!!!
Psy 大叔又要來挑戰點閱量了嗎
@桃桃 有錢就是不一樣ˊˋ