(音檔) 艾爾登🍩 電玩原聲帶 MP3

  • 太平紳士

    💽專輯名稱:ELDEN RING — Complete Original Soundtrac

    01. Elden Ring (1:39)
    02. Opening (3:10)
    03. Character Creation (2:46)
    04. Limgrave (3:12)
    05. Caves (2:51)
    06. Tunnels (2:20)
    07. Stormveil Castle (2:13)
    08. Roundtable Hold (2:22)
    09. Liurnia of the Lakes (3:01)
    10. Great Underground Rivers (2:40)
    11. Eternal City (3:29)
    12. Academy of Raya Lucaria (1:59)
    13. Caelid (3:45)
    14. Old Castle (3:57)
    15. Altus Plateau (2:58)
    16. Catacombs (1:54)
    17. Leyndell, Royal Capital (3:18)
    18. Subterranean Shunning-Grounds (2:30)
    19. Mt. Gelmir (2:44)
    20. Volcano Manor (2:32)
    21. Prison Town (2:40)
    22. Mountaintops of the Giants (3:24)
    23. Divine Tower (2:55)
    24. Crumbling Farum Azula (3:42)
    25. Consecrated Snowfield (2:38)
    26. Miquella’s Haligtree (2:03)
    27. Elphael (2:16)
    28. Formidable Foe I (2:28)
    29. Formidable Foe II (1:26)
    30. Invader (1:51)
    31. Old Warriors (1:55)
    32. Erdtree Knights (2:47)
    33. Fallen Knights (5:53)
    34. The Immured (1:42)
    35. The Accursed (1:19)
    36. Grave Wardens (2:29)
    37. Death’s Kindred (1:54)
    38. Dragon (1:33)
    39. Fallingstar Beast (1:53)
    40. Red Wolf of Radagon (1:17)
    41. Erdtree Avatar (3:07)
    42. Godskin Apostles (4:35)
    43. Black Knives (1:50)
    44. Margit, the Fell Omen (3:44)
    45. Omen Illusion (1:52)
    46. Lord’s Apparition (1:49)
    47. Regal Ancestor Spirit (4:09)
    48. Astel, Naturalborn of the Void (4:26)
    49. Ancient Dragon Lansseax (2:04)
    50. Lichdragon Fortissax (5:29)
    51. Song of Lament (0:47)
    52. Morgott, the Omen King (3:51)
    53. Bloody Fingers (1:48)
    54. Mohg, Lord of Blood (4:23)
    55. Godrick the Grafted (4:49)
    56. Malenia, Blade of Miquella (3:45)
    57. Song of Honor (1:10)
    58. Starscourge Radahn (6:09)
    59. Recusants (2:01)
    60. God-Devouring Serpent (4:30)
    61. Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon (4:47)
    62. Fire Giant (3:33)
    63. Beast Clergyman (5:58)
    64. Dragonlord Placidusax (3:54)
    65. Godfrey, First Elden Lord (3:17)
    66. The Final Battle (4:59)
    67. Ending (8:05)

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